L'ASTRÉE View larger


Ses origines, son importance dans la formation de la littérature classique. .Réimpression de l'édition de Paris, 1967


Following an exhaustive analysis of L’Astrée (composition, incidents, characters, theory of platonic love), Henri Bochet studies the origins of the romance: Spanish and Italian sources, influence of French tradition. The third section deals with the importance of L’Astrée in the development of classical French literature of the 17th century: tendency to realism, use of history, style. Full bibliography.

35,00 €

Fiche technique

Format 15X22
Nombre de volume 1
Nombre de pages 194
Type de reliure BROCHÉ
Date de publication 28/01/2011
Lieu d'édition GENEVE
EAN13 9782051021821
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