This is the true story of an adolescent girl who grows up in a small town in south-eastern Poland during the 1930s. This is where she finds herself in 1939 when Nazi Germany launches an attack on Poland and the country falls prey to the invaders. She remains in Poland, living in different places and with different people, until 1944 when she leaves for the city of Krakow, and she eventually emigrates from Poland in 1948. Many events unfold around her and in her narrative she portrays the reality of that day-to-day struggle to elude death - awareness that it is always there, just around the corner. And yet the book casts a positive and finally optimistic view on humanity - there is always someone compassionate willing to risk his or her life to save the young woman. That is why, paradoxically, those harrowing circumstances do not destroy her psychologically but provide a glimpse into the multitude of human responses. She is being perpetually saved as though by some unexplainable prompting of destiny. The purpose of writing this story is to portray how a young, naïve adolescent is affected and endures the impact of this very unusual and dramatic period in history, assuming that a picture of one individual's ordeal may have a stronger impact on a reader than the recounting of similar tribulation undergone by masses.

19,00 €

Fiche technique

Collection A BLANC
Format 15X22
Nombre de volume 1
Nombre de pages 115
Type de reliure BROCHÉ
Date de publication 13/08/2007
Lieu d'édition GENEVE
EAN13 9782832103005
eEAN13 -